Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to Launder Your Cashmere?

to Launder Your Cashmere?

Hand-washing is the gentlest method of
cleaning a cashmere sweater, and will add years to the life of your
cashmere garment. Cashmere tends to become softer with each washing,
which allows the yarns to bloom.

Follow these four simple steps and your cashmere purchase will give you
years of luxurious comfort and wear.

1. Gently wash in warm water with a mild soap
(shampoo will do) and thoroughly rinse in water of the same
temperature. Special care must be taken as wet cashmere fabric can
weaken and stretch out of shape. Never wring or twist. Gently press
excess water from garment.

2. While supporting the weight of the wet
garment lay the sweater on a dry towel. Ease the sweater back into
shape and roll up in the towel. Press to remove excess water and repeat
this step with a second towel.

3. On a flat surface lay the sweater on a
fresh, dry towel, until thoroughly air dried.

4. Once your cashmere sweater is dry you will
want to fold it carefully, avoiding a center crease. Never hang a
cashmere sweater as it will stretch the garment out of shape. Lay flat
in a drawer or on a closet shelf.

If stains persist:

In the event of stubborn stains, dry cleaning may be the only solution.
For machine washing, secure the garment in a tied pillowcase and set on
gentle cycle; cool water. Proceed to steps 3 and 4.

wash cashmere

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