Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Advantage of Chinese Silk

 Beijing Beisica Textile Co.,Ltd 

The Advantage of Chinese Silk

Indeed, what is all the hype about this so-called magical fiber?

Silk is the finest and strongest natural fiber in the world. Silk is also a protein fiber, which means that it is chemically similar to human skin. Because of this, silk is often touted as the "ideal second skin".

The Chinese have realized over many centuries that silk helps to ease aches and pains and it can soothe itchy skin as well. These wonderful material has the ability to absorb 30% of their weight in moisture without feeling the slightest bit damp.

In addition, silk, when worn as a second layer underneath, warms without being bulky. It can also absorb perspiration while letting the skin breath.

For allergy sufferers, whether it's house dust or mites, silk just doesn't accommodate them.

China produces mo of the finest silk products in Asia. The industry is especially vibrant in Hangzhou.

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