Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to Store Your Cashmere?

How to Store Your Cashmere?

Fortunately, because you can wear cashmere in any season, you probably won’t let your cashmere sweater get too far out of sight. However, if you do store your garment, make sure it is clean. Contrary to popular belief, moths are attracted to stained or soiled garments, not to the cashmere sweater itself.

For your convenience, store your cashmere garment using a garment bag.

Keep in mind that you want to repel moths, not poison yourself. So try some of nature’s own tried & true methods: cloves, lavender, rosemary, thyme, dried orange peel or cedar.

To avoid staining, always wrap any of these items in a sachet or, simply tie in a handkerchief.
store cashmere

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