Thursday, March 26, 2009

For knitting cashmere sweater, Knit 3---18GG is available in BEISICA.

For knitting cashmere sweater, Knit 3---18GG is available in BEISICA.

In knitting, the word Gauge, technical abbreviation GG, refers to "Knitting Machines" fineness size (not to the proportion, thickness or fineness of the finished knitted artifact, its stitch "wideness" or row length/depth).
Indeed "Gauge" is the unit of measure, a "size" that expressed by a well precise number of needle gives the Power Workable Size of a Knitting Machine. This "unit of measure" is equal to the number of needles contained in the "Gauge" (size) and it is simply countable on the Bed of Needles of each knitting machines, flat or circular. Lying flat a measure tape (preferable metal) on the bed of needle with edge flip 00 insert into the channel of one needle's channel, extend the tape as long as for 4-5', then count the needles' channel contained within 00 edge and the 1" line, the total number of channels will give you the number of needles contained in 1" and therefore the Size or Gauge of the Power Machine. This operation will acknowledge you also on the range of thickness or size of yarn to be use on the machine and will anticipate the final thickness or fineness of the final knitted fabric.
There are 2 types of classification of Knitting Gauges or Unit of Measure: A – Used for Cotton Fully fashion flat machines (Bentley – Monkey, Textima, Sheller etc..) where the "Gauge" is equal at 1,5" Inches (2,54 cm x 1,5) and the size of any machine "Gauge" it is expressed with the number of needles contained into the Gauge or into 1,5". B – Used for hand, mechanical or modern Electronic Flat Machines (Stoll, Shima, Protti etc..), where the "Gauge" has been adjusted to reach 1" Inch only (or 2,5 cm) and the size of machine "Gauge" it is expressed with the number of needles contained into the Gauge or into 1" = 2,54 cm.
Compared graduation scale Gauge (GG) A versus B system: A 30 GG (A) Cotton Fully-fashion flat machine (30 needles in 1,5") it is comparable to a 20 GG (B) Electronic Flat machine, a 27 GG (A) is a 18 GG (B), a 18 GG (A) is a 12 GG (B), a 12 GG (A) is a 8 GG (B), a 7,5 GG (A) is a 5 GG (B) and a 4,5 GG (A) is a 3 GG (B).
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