Sunday, March 15, 2009

About Cashmere

(The bellow is published by a buyer, but as a supplier, I also want to
describe the Cashmere like the same.)

the very word elates a feeling of richness and supple luxury. What is
it about cashmere that earns the reputation as the finest of fabrics?

Like gold, diamonds, saffron or any precious material, cashmereis
rare. but rarity alone does not make something desirable...Is it the
beauty of pure cashmere?

No one quality makes cashmere the gold standard of fabrics:, rather --
the combination of all qualities. Our cashmere excels no matter how it
is measured.

can be woven or knitted. The fineness and supple characteristics of
each individual cashmere fibre create a fabric which can only truly be
described by touch... no words or blog can fulfill the task.

Cashmere, real, 100% cashmere is distinct. Like pearls, gold, diamonds
or silk, cashmere has standards which even a first time buyer can

you may have heard of "cut, color,, clarity, carat (and cost)" as the
four (or five) "c's"
of diamonds. Remember, these are the qualities of just the stone. A
similar context is used for considering cashmere. Cashmeres' qualities
are much the same. With cashmere, you must first inspect the qualities
of the raw material; the actual cashmere fibers' fineness, color,
length and crimp.

purchasing a piece of fine jewelry, you must, also, consider the
precious materials, craftsmanship and artistry, as well as its' overall
beauty and uniqueness.

exactly does the cashmere fiber come from? A natural fiber, cashmere
from Mongolia is the finest in the world. Mongolian mountain goats must
endure extreme winter conditions, and drought-like summers. Nature
supplies the answer with a layered coat. A downy coat of supple fleece
insulates in the winter, and then sheds an overcoat of longer strands
of coarse guard hairs to expose the fine cashmere fiber.

animal is harmed in any way to produce cashmere. Keepers comb or shear
the cashmere just before it would naturally shed. Our pür cashmere
qualities can only be produced under the exact, natural, genetic,
climatic, indigenous conditions of Mongolia. Cashmere produced here is
the most sought after cashmere in the world, the "Best of the Best".

Cashmere's durability:
extraordinary characteristic of cashmere is its' durability. Cashmere
fiber remains unchanged with the challenge of time and improves with
No matter where else it is produced has a unique, inherent
fineness, length, and crimp. Our cashmere qualities can only be
produced under the exact, natural, genetic, climatic, indigenous
conditions of Mongolia -- fabrics produced from it are the most sought
after cashmere in the world.

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